Microsurgical robot system development team

团队负责人:Chaoyang Shi

The winner of National Overseas Distinguished Program Professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University


  Microsurgical robot system

  In the face of the urgent demand for surgical auxiliary equipment in the field of In the face of the urgent demand for surgical auxiliary equipment in the field of microsurgery diagnosis and treatment, and in view of the difficulties that doctors can complete ultra-microscopic precision operation with their bare hands under the microscope, such as limited scale, poor stability and limited perception ability, the team aims to develop a microsurgical robotic system for reconstruction and repair in plastic surgery.

  The system can break through the traditional ultramicroscopic limit of the operation, solve the robot end equipment precision dexterous operation, increasing the safety of the auxiliary operation technical problems, such as assist surgeons in lymphatic vessel anastomosis, vascular and nerve repair and reconstruction of elaborate operation, fill the blank of the Da Vinci surgical robot in the field of microsurgery, decrease the difficulty of microsurgical operation, improve the quality of microsurgery and expand the application of microsurgery.

design of miniaturized dexterous ultra-microsurgical instruments